Posts tagged with "procedural generation"

masterthesis · 08. July 2018
Check out the new trailer of GenoTerra and read about the process of finishing this game project as part of my design master thesis using a newly developed technique for creating coherent game worlds.
masterthesis · 10. April 2018
I will dig deeper into the designing process around the creatures that will be walking on the procedural terrain. So, grab a pen and paper – we’re be exploring the unexpected.

masterthesis · 26. February 2018
How can we generate dense vegetation and still have a decent amount of FPS? I give some hints in this chapter and share some good assets I've found and bring the game environment closer to life!
masterthesis · 24. January 2018
In this chapter I will cover what sources I used to get a basic landscape generator working. It will be mostly built up on a tutorial I found on YouTube and how I will extend the existing code to include more features

masterthesis · 23. January 2018
This is the introduction to my "Procedural Generation in Unity"-Development Blog and what it is about. This chapter is meant to help people interested in procedural landscape and environment generation within Unity to get a starting point for their personal projects. I will also briefly introduce myself, my thesis project and what I hope the project might become in the near future. Start reading now and find out who I've met at the Ludicious Game Festival in Zurich last weekend!

©Mihajlo Nenad 2020/21



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